Deep Dive Session

Deep Dive Pic

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#000000″]Dive To The Heart of Your Productivity Challenge[/headline_arial_large_centered]

I know exactly where you are right now. You’re probably pretty frustrated. You know you have to get a handle on managing time, but you don’t know how to do it. I’m here to help you uncover the challenges because after all, you really don’t know why you’re challenged, right?

Sheila-7I am Sheila Hawkins I help women coaches, consultants and other service based providers, give up the daily struggle of managing time and learn to, as I say “wield it”. My approach is unique, and what I call “rebelistic”. I’m known for my uncanny productivity expertise and my ability to see what lies beneath.

Since you’re here, I’m guessing that you know you have to get a handle on this thing we call time, but you don’t know how to do it. There’s something keeping you from getting things done, but you just don’t know what it is.

Right now you are:

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  • Looking for things but can’t find them and having to reinvent the wheel (again)
  • Juggling so many things and not able to manage things well
  • Being late and unprepared for meetings
  • Busy all day but not getting to the important stuff
  • Struggling to keep it together, flying by the seat of your pants
  • Watching your personal and family life pay the price
  • …and too may other things to mention


Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that I’ve got you covered when it comes to removing the surface layers to see what’s at the core.  That’s what my Deep Dive Session is all about. Right now you’re wondering what to do to get beyond your productivity challenges, you don’t know how to do it but you know you have to do something and fast.

This session gets you beneath the surface layers and…

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  • Lets you see how the way you look at time is holding you back
  • Gives you a look at a totally different perspective of time
  • Allows you to see how shifting your view can give you an understanding of time you never had before
  • How that new view can help increase your productivity


I’ll also reveal how that new view can help you learn to wield time™. That’s right, not manage time, but to wield time™.  There’s a big difference between the two!

This session is not for you if you’re not serious about resolving your issues when it comes to your time and lack of productivity or if you’re not sure you’re ready to do the work to get to the bottom of  the problem. If you’re ready and would like to have a one-on-one conversation with me about your productivity challenges and begin to explore what’s at the heart of the matter so that you can start the process to move forward, this session is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

Right now, stop in the midst of your frustration and set yourself up to get real-time help from a productivity expert to deal with your dilemma. During your session we’ll explore the challenges that you’re having now and we’ll choose one of those to dive deep into, past the things that you can see and what you do know to get to the heart of the matter and reveal the root cause of your challenge. So if you’re ready to step away from the chaos and the usual way of doing things, all you have to do is click to schedule your Deep Dive Session with me right now.

In just 45 minutes you’ll gain…

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  • Clarity and an understanding of your challenge
  • Information about what’s really keeping you from getting things done
  • A new perspective when it comes to getting things done
  • Direction for moving forward to regain control of your business and life
  • Liberation and relief from your frustration


I’m here to take your hand and work with you in a way that not only reveals challenges but helps you to really take a deeper look…to stop looking at surface stuff and start to dig and look for the root cause.

Make time for a 45-minute session with me today and leave the session knowing what it is that’s keeping you from getting things done and what to do about it.

This session is valued at $300. Don’t miss out. Click to get your session now!

[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]I’m Ready for my Deep Dive Session![/headline_tahoma_small_centered]

[high_impact_btn_sign_up_now link=”″ + target=”_self”] [/high_impact_btn_sign_up_now]


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