Priority 1 eBook


[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Create The Space and Time For Yourself to Make Sure That You Aren’t The Last Thing on Your Agenda[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]


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Self nurturing. Space to breathe. Getting things done.

I’m Sheila Hawkins. I’m a Holistic Productivity Coach and I see how women neglect themselves on a daily basis. In this eBook I’m sharing how you can shift things and get on the path to making yourself the priority. Showing you a way that allows you to be your top priority. This eBook gives you the steps for creating the space and time for yourself to make sure that you aren’t the last thing on your agenda.


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You don’t have to continue to feel like there’s no room for you in your days or life

Do you know that:

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  • You don’t have to be at the bottom of your list and never taken care of
  • It is possible to tend to everything and everyone else and take care of yourself without being last
  • Getting things done is all about you being first


And it doesn’t have to be a struggle

Every day you focus on your business and your family, taking care of everything and everyone, without having time to yourself or making yourself the lowest priority on the list. It’s time for that to change, and now! Getting things done depends on you, so your days have to be all about you.

Can you imagine your days and your life actually having room for you in them?

It’s possible to give yourself priority seating in your life. Putting yourself first can be done with ease, and if you want to be a top priority you have to know the steps to getting to that point. Choosing my eBook is your first step.

I’m giving you a special bonus…

I want to show you how to make yourself the top priority by giving you my Top Priority: The Art of Putting Yourself First eBook. This usually goes forĀ $37, but it’s yours today for just $7 so grab it now.

This eBook will let you…

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  • Finally put yourself first, not every once in a while but always
  • Define where the outside world stops and you begin
  • Take care of and nurture yourself
  • Create the space and time to just breathe
  • Have the energy to get things done


This eBook will show you how to get on your own to-do list without the hassle and hard time you’re having now. It will help you set the foundation for days that include you instead of being an afterthought and will help give you a concrete way of making yourself first.

Here’s a peek at what’s inside:

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  • How to carve out the space for time to and for yourself without feeling guilty
  • Changing how you handle your calendar so that you come first
  • The steps to recharge so that you don’t run out of steam before your day ends
  • Realizing what really happens when you put yourself first
  • Gaining the edge over this thing we call time
  • Changing daily habits to support you
  • Concrete reasons to put yourself first
  • Adding more time to your day
  • One word you must add to your vocabulary
  • …and more


Sometimes you feel like your life is just one extra long to-do list. Once you’ve crossed off the work related items, things for the kids and the house, there never seems to be enough time left for anything else, especially not you! It’s time to get off the hamster wheel and learn how to put and then keep yourself at the very top of your to-do list.

When you get on a plane, one of the instructions that you’re given by the flight attendant when it comes to the oxygen masks is to put yours on first. That enables you to help others around you with theirs. Well, think of making yourself the top priority your way of putting your oxygen mask on first, so that you’re equipped to take care of those around you and run your business without burning out and being left to feel like your life doesn’t have room for you.

Healthier. Happier. Move productive.

If you’re committed to making yourself the center of your universe click the button below and grab this eBook. It’s just minutes away from your inbox.

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