Procrastination TEG


Dear Heart-Centered, Conscious Solopreneur

Sheila HawkinsEveryone procrastinates from time to time, but for some it’s a chronic habit.  Did you know that chronic procrastination affects over 20% of the population. In a survey of 2,700 people 46% indicated that procrastination had a negative affect on their lives.  That’s almost half of those surveyed! That’s HUGE!

Given that statistic, it’s no wonder that Procrastination is one of the biggest reasons people fail to reach their goals.

I am Sheila Hawkins, AKA The Do It In Time Diva™, and every day I partner with solopreneurs and micro business owners like yourself to help them dig deep and find the REAL reason they procrastinate and to help them eliminate it from their lives.

Are you ready to rid yourself of procrastination for good?

I can help.

Would you like to stop drifting through your days with the same incomplete things hanging over your head?

I’ve got you covered.  I will take you through the process of identifying procrastination indicators and get you on the fast track to increased productivity and freedom.

You know how it is, you put off doing something and probably have absolutely no idea of how long it takes to do the task you’re putting off.  You can end up living in chaos simply because you’re putting off something that will take you just a short time to do.  Are you one of those people who shuffle through the pile of papers on your desk?  If so, you probably spend more time shuffling through them each day than it would if you’d stop procrastinating and sort through them one final time and toss, file or process what’s there in the pile.

As you put things off again and again, have you ever stooped to think about what it’s costing you?  If not, do the math!  Procrastination is costing you money.  What’s your cost for putting things off?

I believe in transparency, so let me be up front with you.   I know what it’s like to put things off and not make it to your goals or be late getting things done.  I  know exactly where you are right now because I’ve been there before.  Now, you might be surprised by that, but honestly it’s the truth. I used to play that game every day and had a lot of bad “fruit” hanging off my Procrastination Tree™ LOL!

Can you relate?

I would start my work day with the best of intentions, ready to take on  everything in front of me that needed to get done that day.  Then… it would happen…I would look at my list of things for the day and see that thing that I just didn’t want to do and cringe at the thought of having to do it.  When it came time to start on it I would move it to a point later in my day.  It didn’t matter where I moved it to as long as it wasn’t staring me in the face to do right then in that moment.

I would keep putting it off until I had absolutely no more time; I had to get it done.  I would rush to get it done and finish at the end of the day or stay late to get it done or make an excuse and promise to deliver the next morning.  I would do the same thing when it came to finishing things related to my personal goals too and found it so hard to understand why I would put off doing the things that were going to get me closer to accomplishing my goals.  How could I want something so badly, but not do the very work to get me there?

That was the one question I couldn’t answer for myself so I started to look within.  After that look within, searching and continuing to struggle with procrastination almost daily and trying solutions that seemed to help, I found myself right back in the same spot.  I read several books on the topic that gave remedies that were supposed to work.

I tried…

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  • Increasing my focus and facing things head on instead of avoiding them
  • Pushing past working on just the things I wanted to work on—making myself work on the things that made me cringe in smaller increments
  • Giving up working under pressure because I knew I would make me get it done


…which seemed to help initially, but it didn’t help me long term.  I kept searching, bought more books and implemented more strategies, but I still had no clue.  I couldn’t answer that burning question.  I was in the same spot that you’re in right now.  I wasn’t getting to the real reason for my procrastination.

A couple of years later, (yes, wasted time, I know) I discovered that my procrastination was only a byproduct of something that was going on inside of me.  The solutions I had tried were only addressing the surface stuff. They weren’t getting down to the root cause of my procrastination.  My procrastination was only an outcome of something else that was going on deep within me.  I had been on the right track before–looking within, but got frustrated and gave up.  Once I had that “aha” moment, I looked for a way to delve deeper to get to the real cause for my procrastination and I found it!  Then I put what I discovered to use.  Talk about feeling elated and having a sense of freedom again.

I know that inside of you there’s something that has you continue to put things off over and over again, and your experience might be just like mine.  Something keeps you from getting things done on a daily basis.  Something keeps you from taking that step; from moving forward and stepping into what’s next for you and your business.  Something is keeping you from the things that you want so badly and you don’t understand what it is or why you just can’t seem to take the steps toward getting there.

At the point I had my “aha” moment, I really didn’t have anything to lose, so I fully committed myself and dove right in.  After doing the work and pressing forward I eliminated my procrastination and you can too!  Right now, you don’t know what it is inside of you that has you procrastinating and you don’t have to tools to do the work, but that’s what I’m going to give you.  Those tools worked for me,  my clients and it will also work for you.


That’s what makes me so confidentthat you’ll love Procrastination Annihilation™  You can have the same great results that I got and be rid of your procrastination. You can give up trying solutions that only deal with things on the surface and apply solutions that help you dig deep to the core to discover the reason and then remedy your procrastination.  All you need to do is to make that commitment. This program will help you:

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  • Get the big picture of what goes on when you procrastinate
  • Discover your procrastination symptoms and its impact in your life
  • Focus on items that you’re currently putting off
  • Reveal the REAL reason you’re procrastinating
  • Identify tools and systems that will support you daily


And you’ll learn a lot about yourself too!

I’ve built this program to address not only the surface stuff, but more importantly, to address to deeper, root cause reasons for procrastination.  I’ve added components that make you step back and look at your behavior and pieces that will help you dig deep within yourself to get to the core and see the real reason you’ve been procrastinating for so long.

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[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]You might not clearly see how procrastination is present in one area of your life and slowly spilling over into other areas.[/headline_arial_medium_centered]

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I’ve worked with people just like you and discovered that for many of them, at the heart of your procrastination beats F-E-A-R >> False Evidence Appearing Real, and you want to know what that fear is and how to address it.  When it comes to F-E-A-R, you’re afraid of what people will say, what they won’t say, or so angry you don’t care about what people say.

There is real psychology behind procrastination, actually it can get pretty deep, but I show you that in a real light-hearted way because after all, I’m not trying to bore you.  You can benefit from procrastination and use it to boost your productivity and I’m going to show you how to do that too!

This program provides you with…

A simple, step-by-step process to eliminating procrastination from your life.


“I discovered the real reason I procrastinate.”

[testimonial1 author=”S.J., Southfield Michigan”]“I’ve been having conversations with one of my children about her procrastination because I see she does it just like I do.  I found this program and have discovered the real reason I procrastinate.  I’m on my way to eliminating procrastination from my life once and for all…”[/testimonial1]

“Solution-oriented methods were relevant to my situation”

[testimonial1 author=”Tara Colquit, The Credit Woman”]“Today, I was preparing for my week and cleaning up emails. I came across this on procrastination. Thanks to Ms. Hawkins for her encouragement from afar.  Her timely advice and solution-oriented methods were relevant to my situation.”[/testimonial1]

 Procrastination can be remedied.  So how do you do that?  You start by looking at what you’re doing and the root cause or reason for you doing so, and then create and take the steps to overcome it.  Procrastination Annihilation™ will take you through those steps.  In this program you’re going to look at your not so productive habit of procrastination, where you’re procrastinating and discover the reasons why you do it.  Then, you’ll be on the path to remedying the habit so that you can have productive days, with real-time solutions that you can put into action right away with the things you’re currently procrastinating on.

Here’s what we’re going to cover and achieve during this 12 week program:


Get a clear picture of your procrastination

To be able to let go of procrastination, and get to the freedom from dread that you so desire, you have to move beyond where you are now. Before you can do that you have to know exactly what’s going on right now.  The first two lessons will guide you through a simple process to help you paint that clear picture.

You’ll get clear and:

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  • Identify your own procrastination indicators
  • Get to the roots of your procrastination and reveal its symptoms
  • Start to address the things that you’re putting off right now and get them done



Here you’re going to go beyond where otherHigh Diver programs go and stop looking at things on the surface.  Instead you’re going dive deep to

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  • Learn the psychology behind your own procrastination
  • Discover the REAL reason you procrastinate
  • Continue to complete the tasks that you’ve been putting off for so long


Once you learn what it is that’s going on inside of you that has you putting things off again and again, you’ll be able to shift your mindset and look at things in an entirely different way.

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  • Begin to implement steps to stop your procrastination
  • Operate from an entirely different space and deal with things you would have put off in the past
  • Complete real-time, relevant assignments to help you get the things you’ve been putting off done so that you can move forward


This is a 12 week, step-by-step program to get rid of your procrastination.

[high_impact_btn_get_access_now link=”” + target=”_self”] [/high_impact_btn_get_access_now]

In the past I’ve only shared this information in my live workshops and haven’t mentioned it in any other program or in anything that I’ve written.   Adding this other layer to help get rid of procrastination is only inside of my Procrastination Annihilation™ program.  It’s also what makes this program stand out from others.  Inside of it, you address your procrastination on two different levels: on the surface and at the core.

Procrastination is taking away your personal power and beating it can be your source of getting back that power. You can’t really get results and reach your goals until you break the habit of procrastination.  Just think about it. What would your life look like if you stopped procrastinating? How much more productive would you be? How much could you get done?  How would it feel? Wouldn’t it be great to get results and be moving toward accomplishing your goals?!!
With this 12 week program you will:

[red_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • Determine where you’re procrastinating
  • See the indicators present for you
  • Delve deep to reveal the REAL reason you’re procrastinating
  • Understand the psychology behind your procrastination
  • Learn how to use procrastination to boost productivity
  • Address the tasks you’re procrastinating on right now and get them done
  • Get on the path to annihilating procrastination


In this program you’ll get a clear picture of what procrastination really is and learn about indicators and which are present in your life right now.  We’ll delve into your procrastination and determine the real reason you’re procrastinating on things on your current to-do list. You’ll also learn how to use procrastination to support you in your productivity–yes, it IS possible to use procrastination to boost your productivity.  You will work on multiple levels to get rid of your procrastination.

How it Works
When you register you’ll receive lessons for 12 consecutive weeks.  That’s 1 lesson per week, each building upon the one before it and step by step getting you closer to ridding yourself of procrastination.  There’s also an assignment to complete after each lesson that will have you dealing with the very things you’re continuing to put off right now.

The regular cost for this program is $197.  When you register today you’ll get the entire 12 week program for just $47! That’s right, for just $47  you’ll be on the way to understanding your procrastination and have the means to stop it.  That’s over 50% off! Get your time and power back and accomplish the things you want to accomplish now, for a deep, deep discount. You’ll want to make sure to sign up now because this program will be going away very soon.

You’ll get your first lesson right away and each of your remaining lessons will follow every 7 days, directly to your inbox.

So are you ready?

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  • Ready to increase your productivity?
  • Ready to reach your goals?
  • Ready to reclaim your personal power and get your time back?


If you’re really ready, that means that you start today by taking this important step to enroll in this program and commit to doing the work, which people usually fear.  Let me show you how to commit.

You may not be ready, but if you don’t take this step, your cost to continue to put things off will continue to add up.  You’ll still experience all of the things that you’re experiencing now.  Literally, every day it’s costing you money to put off doing the things that you have to get done.  Without this program it will…

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  • Have you drifting through your days without getting anything done
  • Leave you with perpetual incomplete projects and tasks
  • Missing deadlines and opportunities
  • Searching for solutions to make a change only to find yourself in the exact same spot


Are you ready for that madness to stop and to get things done? I’m here to serve you and this program is poised to help you if you’re ready to commit.  I’m ready to help you increase your productivity, reach your goals and get your power back!

If so, then don’t delay any longer.  While this program is valued at more than $597, your total investment is just a small fraction of that. You’re getting a tremendous value!

Simply click the button below and you’ll be on your way!

[high_impact_btn_get_access_now link=”” + target=”_self”] [/high_impact_btn_get_access_now]

Q: What makes this program different from others?

A: This program differs from others in that you look within you for the answers; to see why you’re procrastinating.  Instead of dealing with things on the surface and only applying common solutions, you work on multiple levels to eliminate your procrastination and get real transformation.

Q: Am I really going to see results?

A: Yes, you will see the results if you’re committed to this program, jump in with both feet, roll up your sleeves and do the work.

Q: How long will it be before I start seeing the benefits?

A: You really can start to see results in the first couple of weeks, especially when it comes to the things that you’re currently putting off .  Most people start to see transformation when they start to dig deep during the self discovery process.


Who doesn’t want to stop procrastinating?

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • Reveal the reasons you’re procrastinating
  • Learn how to use procrastination to your advantage
  • Address things that you’re procrastinating on right now
  • Eliminate procrastination from your life for good



Let’s ensure you’re not part of the 20% of people who are procrastinating every day.

Stop paying the cost of putting things off!

Sheila Hawkins, Founder/CEO of Third Eye Group


“Learning a lot already…Looking forward to my next lesson”

[testimonial1 author=”R. Stone,  Maine”]“I just got started and I’m finding the program very insightful and I’m learning a lot already.  Looking forward to my next lesson!”[/testimonial1]