Beating The Thief of Time

Does any of this sound familiar?

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  • You’re going through your days with the same incomplete things hanging over your head day after day
  • When it comes time for you to work on that task or project you’ve been dreading, you put it off saying “I’ll do it later”, and when later comes, you put it off again.
  • You’ve tried solutions to stop procrastinating only to find yourself right back where you started


Now, if any of those statements ring true for you and you’re saying “How did she know that?” or, “Wow, that’s me”, then this workshop is just what you’ve been waiting and wishing for.

I am Sheila Hawkins, The Do It In Time Diva™. As a productivity expert,  I work withSheila Hawkins women solopreneurs to show them how to increase their productivity, which means my focus is on helping women like you understand the behavior that keeps them from being productive and create new, supportive habits.


You see, I  know exactly where you are right now because I’ve been there before.  Now, you might be surprised by that, but honestly it’s the truth. I used to play that game every day, continuing to pay that astronomical cost of putting it off just like you’re doing right now.

I would start my work day with the best of intentions, ready to take on  everything in front of me that needed to get done that day.  Then… it would happen…I would look at my list of things for the day and see that thing that I just didn’t want to do and cringe at the thought of having to do it.  When it came time to start on it I would move it to a point later in my day.  It didn’t matter where I moved it to as long as it wasn’t staring me in the face to do right then in that moment.

You’ve probably felt that way too and like I did back then, you keep putting it off until you have absolutely no more time and have to get it done.  You rush to get it done and finish at the end of the day, work late to get it done or make an excuse and promise to deliver the next morning.  I would do the exact same thing when it came to finishing things related to my personal goals too, and found it so hard to understand why I would put off doing the things that were going to get me closer to accomplishing my goals.  How could it be possible to want something so badly, but not want to do the very work to get me there?

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]I was totally confused and lost[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

That was the one question I couldn’t answer for myself so I started to look within.  After that look within, searching and continuing to struggle with procrastination almost daily and trying solutions that seemed to help, I found myself right back in the same spot.  I had read books on the topic that gave remedies that were supposed to work and I tried…

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  • Increasing my focus and facing things head on instead of avoiding them
  • Making myself work on the things that made me cringe in smaller increments to get them done
  • Starting to work under pressure because I knew I would make me get it done


Once again, those things seemed to help at first, but then I started slipping back into my old ways and was back to putting things off.  I implemented everything I could find that seemed like it would work, but always found myself right back at square one.  To top it all off, I was paying a hefty cost for putting things off.  Talk about frustrating!  What was I missing? Why couldn’t I stop procrastinating?!!

I had been looking within, but not deep enough and a few years later discovered that my procrastination was a byproduct of something that was going in inside of me.  It was only a result of something else.  The solutions I had tried didn’t work because they weren’t addressing the real issue and that’s the reason why you can’t stop procrastinating.

[text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Whatever resides within shows up in your world[/text_bar_3]

If you want to annihilate procrastination, you have to deal with the “stuff” you have going on inside of you. Believe it or not, it’s true.  What you see in your world is a reflection of you. Your procrastination can be remedied, but doing so calls for digging much deeper and not just applying solutions for what I call the surface stuff.

Inside of you there’s something that has you continue to put things off over and over again.  Something keeps you from getting things done on a daily basis and keeps you from taking that step forward.  What’s inside of you stops you from moving forward and stepping into what’s next for you and your business. It’s keeping you from the things that you want.  Do you know what procrastination is costing you?

A number of years ago I took what I learned from my personal experience and put it into my Procrastination Annihilation™ program and now, I’m taking that program off the pages and doing it live. You can join me, up close and personal for this value-packed, hands-on workshop and resolve this problem.

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]In this live workshop I’m going to show you how to gain clarity, delve deep within to identify the REAL reason you procrastinate and finally annihilate it[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

You’ll discover:

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  • What goes on when you procrastinate
  • The psychology of your procrastination
  • How to complete the tasks that you’re putting off right now


This program is unlike any other procrastination program in that it gives you solutions for the “surface” stuff, but more importantly, shows you how to dig deep within to uncover the reason for your procrastination.

This workshop is about self discovery. I’ve designed it to help you get to the deeper, root cause for your procrastination.  You can’t get rid of procrastination without addressing its cause.  The workshop has components that will make you step back and look at your behavior and pieces that will help you dig deep within yourself to get to the core and see the real reason you’ve been procrastinating for so long.

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#000000″]I’m sharing with you the missing piece of the puzzle[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

I’ve worked with people just like you and discovered that for many of them, at the heart of their procrastination beats False Evidence Appearing Real AKA F-E-A-R Trust me, you want to know what that fear is and how to address it. To do that, you have to go beyond the surface.

There is real psychology behind procrastination, actually it can get pretty deep, but I’m going to share that with you light-heartedly because after all, I don’t want to bore you, I want to help you.  I’m also going to show you how to benefit from the use of procrastination too!

Here’s a taste of what you’re going to learn:

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  • The real impact procrastination is having on your business and your life
  • Identifying your procrastination indicators
  • How to find the root cause for your procrastination
  • What steps to implement to stop procrastinating
  • Exactly how to use procrastination to boost your productivity
  • Using solutions for the “surface stuff”
  • Which tools and systems to implement to help get you through your days


Join me LIVE in Detroit on Saturday, April 27th from 10am-1pm for this workshop

During this hands-on session you’re going to go beyond where other programs go and start looking beneath the surface.  Come roll up your sleeves and dive deep to discover what’s at the heart of your procrastination and generate the process for annihilating procrastination from your life.

Get ready to:

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  • Complete real-time assignments to help you get the things you’ve been putting off done so you can move forward
  • Discover what procrastination is costing you
  • Flip the script and use procrastination to boost your productivity
  • Operate from an entirely different space
  • Stop incomplete tasks from hanging over your head


[text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Let me show you how to turn procrastination on its head and inside out and get it out of your life[/text_bar_3]


[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]Early Bird Gets the Worm–Ends March 25th[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

This live workshop is valued at $399, but you can register now and pay just $99 for this course and…

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  • Get hands-on, real time training and personal attention
  • Stop going through your days with the same things hanging over your head
  • Use solutions that will get rid of your procrastination instead of having you land right back where you started
  • End the dread of working on tasks you don’t like or don’t want to do
  • Increased productivity and freedom!


 Early Bird Registration is over March 25th, but you can still register now at the Early Bird rate of just $99.

You’re just one click away from Procrastination Annihilation™.  All you have to do is click the button below now to get your seat and get on the fast track to increased productivity and freedom.

Your Early Bird registration includes:

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  • Jump start on annihilating your procrastination
  • MP3 procrastination recording series
  • Special live teleconference
  • Bring a friend at no additional cost


P.S. Be one of the first 5 to sign up and get a complimentary 1 hour private session with me ($150 value).  One-on-one strategy session to get you on top of your game and significantly increase your productivity and get more done in less time!


[high_impact_btn_get_instant_access link=”” + target=”_self”] [/high_impact_btn_get_instant_access]

[headline_arial_extra_large_centered color=”#CC0000″]Register now space is limited![/headline_arial_extra_large_centered]

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